Dr. Bibekanand Mallick was elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Biological Sciences, India.
Serving as Editor of Communications Biology(Natare portfolio Journal)
Recent research on oral cancer is Published in the Journal,Life Science(IF:6.2)

Latest Research

Our laboratory strives to perform cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in an exciting and highly collaborative environment with an aim to uncover and characterize the 98.5% of the human genome that does not code for proteins, which we call non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) (microRNA, piRNA, ceRNA, lncRNA) – the promising rheostats of gene regulation and decrypt their role controlling development and diseases, especially in cancers by applying molecular biology techniques coupled with high-throughput omics approaches in cell lines and in vivo models.

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Uncovering the dark matter of the genome, and its role in the development and diseases, especially in cancer by integrating multi-disciplinary omics and molecular biology approaches.
• Noncoding RNAs
• Gene silencing and regulation
• Developing new technologies .

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•Be undaunted and think big.
•Because we believe that size of your success is determined by size of your thinking. .

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• Train the young minds and impart a sense of inquisitiveness in them
• Create/train next generation of scientists
• Collaborate to solve arduous problems
• Develop societal technological innovations

Principal Investigator

Dr. Bibekanand Mallick, MNASc., FNABS


RNAi & Functional Genomics Lab
Department of Life Science
National Institute of Technology,
Rourkela - 769 008 Odisha, INDIA

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